Generations Cup | Family Cup

Generations Cup (Formally known as The Father and Son) + Family Cup.

Generations Cup is open to and person in immediate family that is separates by a generation. Examples: Father+Son, Son + Grandfather, Father+Daughter, Mother+Daughter, Grandfather+Grand daughter. Great Grandfather+Great Grandson/daughter etc etc.

Family Cup is open to any two people that are related or partners that do not meet the criteria of the above in which at least one player is a member of the Vines GC. Examples: Cousins. Husband and Wife, Life partners, Brother+Sister, etc

Both events are a 4BBB Stableford event.

Entries are now OPEN, you are encouraged to book with who you wish to play with. The draw maybe shuffled to make even groups leading up to the day but we will do our best for you to play with who you book with.

Entry fee is $30 per team ($15 ea) and payable on the day in the shop at the time of registration. Includes nibbles after the round.

The Draw will be complete and publicised on the booking pages 3 days prior to the event.

Anyone can enter with the following conditions:

1.1.1      Generations Cup (Incorporating Family Pairs & Spouses Cup)

Originally Father and Son Cup – H.A. Harris Trophy first played in 1933.       Conditions of Play

ELIGIBILITY: Generations Cup: Open to family memebers’ that are separated by one or more generations of The Vines Golf Club of Reynella and who both have a Golf Australia Handicap.

Family Pairs Trophy & Spouses Cup: Open to players with an official Golf Australia handicap, one of whom is a member of The Vines Golf Club of Reynella.  Entrants in this event must be either related or married (or living as spouses).

HANDICAPS: Players to use current handicap
COMPETITION: 4BBB Stableford event
ENTRY: Entry fee to be determined by the Match Committee and payable on day.
TIES: In the event of a tie, the winners of both competitions will be decided by count-back.
PROTESTS: The Match Committee to be absolute umpire of any dispute or protest, which must be lodged in writing at the venue Clubhouse no more than 30 minutes after play on the day on which the dispute has arisen.
